South African Sites

Actuarial Society of South Africa (ASSA)

The Actuarial Society of South Africa’s AIDS Committee has developed models to assist in estimating the impact of the AIDS epidemic in South Africa. The Committee has produced various papers and monographs on the epidemic and constructed models to predict the impact of the epidemic at both the national and regional level.


AIDS Consortium

The AIDS Consortium is a network of community-based and other organizations focusing on HIV/AIDS related issues based in Gauteng. The organization has an information and resource centre of HIV/AIDS materials, and provides support services to its members. The AIDS Consortium NPC mobilises resources to strengthen communities and all sectors to meaningfully and measurably curtail the epidemic, through impacting on the lives of vulnerable populations, in particular, those whose vulnerability puts them at higher risk of contracting HIV.


AIDS Foundation of South Africa (AFSA)

AFSA acts as a link between donors and Community Based Organizations (CBOs) working in the HIV/AIDS sector including funding of CBOs and providing them with ongoing management, technical support and capacity building. AFSA is a development organisation that exists to mitigate the impacts of HIV and AIDS and poverty, through the implementation of health and community development projects in vulnerable communities. AFSA has strategically positioned itself to work in partnership with CBOs and NGOs because of their access and close proximity to target communities and populations. Through its practice of partnering with, and capacitating, local organizations AFSA has succeeded in extending the reach of good quality programmes and interventions into remote, marginalized, and hard-to-reach communities. While extending reach is key objective, developing local capacity to manage, implement, monitor and evaluate local programming is equally important. AFSA’s success in both these areas is widely known in South Africa.


AIDS Helpline

The AIDS Helpline is a toll free service that provides basic information and counselling on HIV/AIDS in all 11 South African languages and directs callers to local service providers as needed.


AIDS Research Institute (ARI)

The HIV/AIDS Research Institute promotes and coordinates high quality multi-disciplinary research at the University of the Witwatersrand to develop an effective response to HIV/AIDS.


AIDS and Society Research Unit (ASRU)

The AIDS and Society Research Unit (ASRU) supports innovative research into the social dimensions of AIDS in South Africa. Special emphasis is placed on exploring the interface between qualitative and quantitative research and on developing new forms of action research.


arepp: Theatre for Life

Arepp is a dynamic, innovative and creative educational theatre organisation. Using dramatic theatre performances, arepp provides interactive, live, social life-skills education to school-going youth, in communities, and in all the major languages of South Africa. The performances address the issues inherent in sexuality and the development of self-image. Each show stimulates debate around the issues of relationships, pregnancy, gender, discrimination, sex, HIV/AIDS and STI’s and all forms of abuse.


Beyond Zero

First established as the Institute for Youth Development South Africa (IYDSA) in 2003, Beyond Zero began its work at the forefront of HIV/AIDS/TB service delivery in the Eastern Cape Province working in 18 clinics with a handful of dedicated staff. Beyond Zero is a South African nongovernmental organisation that has a substantive on-the-ground presence: strengthening health service delivery systems, building local organizational capacity, developing clinical and managerial competency, training and mentoring, fostering an integrated healthcare response, and providing data-driven technical assistance.



In 2015, the South African Department of Health launched the B-Wise mobi-site, to help young South Africans seeking medical advice to get information straight from health professionals. The mobi-site aims to provide information and tools that promote healthy lifestyles to adolescents and youth between the ages of 10-14, 15-19 and 20-24. The youth can access information on topics such as sexual and reproductive health and rights, HIV, AIDS and TB, nutrition, fitness and physical activity, alcohol and substance abuse, mental health, gender-based violence, chronic diseases, physical and mental disability, violence, trauma and injuries, and oral health.


CARE South Africa Lesotho

CARE International (`CARE`) is one of the world`s largest private international relief and development organisations and a leader in sustainable development and emergency aid.

In South Africa and Lesotho where HIV/AIDS threatens livelihoods of communities, CARE has a number of initiatives which have enabled the development of HIV /AIDS prevention, care, support and mitigation programmes with civil society, government and the private sector. CARE has operated in South Africa since 1993 and Lesotho since 1968; the two offices merged in 2001.


Center for Communication Impact (CCI)

Previously known as JHHESA, the Centre for Communications Impact (CCI) is a non-profit organisation that aims to improve the health and well-being of all South Africans. CCI uses a strategic evidence based communication approach which includes dynamic mass media and interpersonal communication initiatives. CCI is a South African NGO linked to the Johns Hopkins Health Communication Partnership (HCP). CCI works with other partners to accomplish its goal of strengthening public health in the developing world.


Centre for Health Systems Research & Development (CHSR&D)

The Centre for Health Systems Research & Development (CHSR&D) was founded at the University of the Free State specifically to meet the dire need for social scientific and operational research and related skills in the field of health and health care. The CHSR&D is committed to efficiency, equity and equality in health and health care. It strives to contribute constructively toward optimizing health services and the health of the people of South and Southern Africa.


Centre for the Study of AIDS

The Centre for the Study of AIDS is based in the University of Pretoria and its activities include training and research.


Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation (CSVR)

CSVR`s mission is to develop and implement innovative and integrated human security interventions based upon a commitment to social justice and fundamental rights for people who are vulnerable or excluded. CSVR pursues these goals as essential to our aspiration of preventing violence in all its forms and building sustainable peace and reconciliation in societies emerging from violent pasts – in South Africa, on the African continent and globally.


Centre for the AIDS Program of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA)

CAPRISA is an independent non-profit AIDS research organisation that aims to develop and undertake globally relevant and locally responsive research that contributes to understanding HIV pathogenesis and epidemiology as well as HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention. CAPRISA also aims to build local research infrastructure through cores of expertise and to provide training through research fellowships tenable both in South Africa, the United States of America and elsewhere.


Centre for Health Policy (CHP)

Centre for Health Policy (CHP) is a multi-disciplinary health policy research unit based in the School of Public Health at the University of the Witwatersrand. CHP focuses on policy issues in various areas including HIV/AIDS and STIs research.


Children in Distress

CINDI is a consortium of over 100 NGO’s, government departments and individuals that network in the interests of children affected by HIV and AIDS in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands region of South Africa.


Children’s Institute

The Children’s Institute, based at the University of Cape Town, aims to harness the collective academic capability in the University to promote enquiry into the situation of children, to share this capacity through teaching and training programmes, and to present evidence to guide the development of laws, policies and interventions for children.


Centre for Communication, Media and Society

CCMS is located at the University of KwaZulu Natal and includes undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. It is the Southern African region’s premier graduate research and educational unit in Culture, Communication and Media Studies. CCMS staff are internationally recognised scholars, and postgraduate programmes reflect interdisciplinary and international research culture which draws on media studies, television studies, film studies, cultural studies, history, and health communication. CCMS ran a post-graduate course on entertainment education in collaboration with CADRE and DramAidE.


Community Media Trust

Community Media Trust (CMT) is a not-for-profit company that specialises in communication in the fields of health, human rights and gender based violence. CMT produce media across all platforms such as TV, radio, film, documentaries, print, outdoors, web-based- social media, brand development and educational/ training materials and are skilled in interpersonal communication and training. CMT aims to inform and inspire. It believes in promoting transparency, accountability and democracy in all areas affecting quality of life of communities in South Africa. CMT reaches millions of youth through high end dramas which imbue positive messaging about growing up in South Africa.


Quizzical Pictures

Formerly known as Curious Pictures, Quizzical Pictures has partnered with CADRE in the production of Tsha Tsha. Other partnerships with CADRE include Intersexions, 4Play Sex Tips for Girls, Shuga Down South, Inside Story and The Lucky Specials and other educational programming. Quizzical Pictures combines the expertise of established producers with the enthusiasm of young talent to produce some of South Africa`s most talked about television programmes.



Dance4Life is a worldwide project that seeks to address HIV/AIDS through dancing. Dance4Life South Africa works with organisations like God’s Golden Acre, DramAidE, and ten other organisations on the implementation of a STOP AIDS NOW! Project on orphaned and vulnerable children. Dance4Life unites young people through music and dance and empower them to push back HIV and AIDS and raise awareness about pressing SRHR issues in South Africa.


Department of Correctional Services

The Department of Justice and Correctional Services is the justice ministry of the South African government. The department provides administrative and financial support to the court system and the judiciary (which are constitutionally independent of the executive), oversees the National Prosecuting Authority, provides legal advice and representation to organs of state, facilitates law reform and is responsible for the country’s Correctional Services. The aim of the Department of Correctional Services has commenced implementation of the HIV/Aids policies to ensure that offenders are educated regarding the prevention of the spread of the diseases and received the necessary care and support whilst in correctional centres.


Department of Health

The South African National Department of Health includes a range of HIV/AIDS related directorates and sub-directorates. The Department of Health is the executive department of the South African government that is assigned to health matters.


Department of Social Development

The national Department of Social Development includes a range of HIV/AIDS initiatives.  The Department of Social Development has a vision of a caring and integrated system of social development services that facilitates human development and improves the quality of life. The Department aims to enable the poor, the vulnerable and the excluded within South African society to secure a better life for themselves, in partnership with them and with all those who are committed to building a caring society.



Drama in Aids Education (DramAidE) is an independently funded non-profit organisation of the Universities of Zululand and KwaZulu-Natal that was established in 1992. DramAidE is a successful HIV/AIDS programme that has been well received in South Africa. Since its inception DramAidE began using the creative arts, as an enterprise to communicate public health messages. Using performing arts and other participatory methodologies, DramAidE uses a bottom up approach where participants assume the responsibility for their own development and are viewed as agents of change. The aim is to challenge participants to think critically about the behaviours that lead to the spread of HIV. Although the communication focus is primarily around HIV/AIDS prevention messaging, it is acknowledged that HIV prevention is not only linked to sexual behaviour but is implicitly linked to other social issues such as gender based violence, poverty and social norms to name a few. DramAidE runs rights-based, sexual and reproductive health programmes as well as psycho-social support projects for orphans and vulnerable children.



Epicentre is a non-profit organisation that provides effective large scale HIV and AIDS Workplace Programmes. Epicentre’s focus is to help organisations build internal capacity, systems, process and skills to implement HIV and AIDS prevention and sustainable treatment programs that integrate into existing structure and systems. Epicentre works in partnership with CADRE on workplace HIV/AIDS surveys.


Foundation for Professional Development [FPD)

Foundation for Professional Development (FPD) is a private higher education and training institution incepted in 1997. FPD’s academic programmes include; business school, school of health and science as well as the school of education. FPD focuses mainly on providing training to the South African private healthcare market, and with services being aimed predominantly at the postgraduate market. Over the years, by adopting an entrepreneurial approach, FPD has rapidly expanded its scope of work and the geographical location of its activities to include a regional focus. The underlying growth strategy in recent years has been a focus on penetrating new markets through: a) diversifying and increasing its range of products, b) strategic shareholding in subsidiaries and c) forming strategic partnerships to compete for donor funded projects inside and outside of South Africa. Based on this focus, FPD has increased both its products, services portfolio and group structure.


Higher Education and Training HIV/ AIDS programme (HEAIDS)

Higher Education and Training HIV/AIDS programme (HEAIDS) develops and supports HIV mitigation programmes at South Africa’s public Universities and Technical and Vocational and Training Colleges. The key focus of the HEAIDS Programme is to ensure that youth and young people passing through our sector within all 400 campuses countrywide, are healthy and competent to take their rightful place in contributing to the economic growth in the country. The HEAIDS Programme components has assisted in increasing life expectancy both in terms of economic and healthy living for hundreds and thousands of poor and vulnerable young people in South Africa, who are now accessing proper care and support in terms of treatment, psychological and social well-being, with the support of HEAIDS’ partners. The HEAIDS programme has extended its services of Life style diseases, cancer screening, family planning, Contraception, Health promotion within our award winning First Thing First Programme; Men health through HEAIDS Brother’s for life, Women Health: HEAIDS Zazi, LGBTI Population: HEAIDS LGBTI programme, Alcohol and Drugs: HEAIDS Balance Your life, Campus Radio: HEAIDS Future Beats & Capacity Next Generation Labour Development: HEAIDS Curriculum Project



Health-e is a news agency that produces news on HIV/AIDS, public health and issues regarding health policy and practice in South Africa. Health-e News is South Africa’s award-winning television and print health news service that has been producing news and in-depth analysis for national media since 1999. Health-e News has television, online and print clients and has a nationwide network of citizen journalists called OurHealth who are based in rural villages and small towns throughout the country


Health Development Africa (HDA)

Health and Development Africa is committed to excellence in providing professional consulting services to clients across the continent. They have experience in Developing strategy and policy; conducting research and programme evaluation; supporting programme implementation; building individual and institutional capacity. They have a special focus on reproductive and sexual health, with an emphasis on the prevention and management of HIV/AIDS.


Health Economics and HIV/AIDS Research Division

Located at the University of Natal, Durban, HEARD undertakes academic and applied research into the economic, development and social impacts of HIV/AIDS. HEARD, is a regional and global leader for applied research and policy development on critical health and development challenges for the African continent. HEARD’s mission is to influence and support evidence-based policy and good practice to more effectively address Africa’s health and development challenges and to contribute to achieving health and sustainable development across the continent. Since 2013, HEARD has taken over the management and editorial of CADRE’s journal, AJAR.


Health Systems Trust (HST)

Health Systems Trust conducts ongoing relevant health systems research in key health areas including HIV/AIDS. Health Systems Trust (HST) is a leading force in the South African public health arena. Established in April 1992 on the brink of democracy in South Africa, HST has played a significant role in the evolution of the new national health system; today, HST’S strength lies in the knowledge, insight and experience we harness through synergising research and implementation outputs towards HST’s vision of health for all through strengthened health systems. HST scope of operation ranges from regional and national levels, through provinces, districts and facilities and into communities, and is expanding into the Southern African region.


Human Sciences Research Council of South Africa (HSRC)

The HSRC supports development in South Africa, and in Africa, by conducting applied social-scientific research projects and co-ordinating research programmes that are large-scale, collaborative, policy-relevant, user-driven and public sector-oriented.


HSRC Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS and Health (SAHA)

SAHA conducts research to inform HIV/AIDS prevention, care and impact mitigation in South and southern Africa. It remains one of the largest research programmes in the HSRC, with close to 50 full-time equivalent staff members in Pretoria and Cape Town. SAHA works with CADRE on the Nelson Mandela/HSRC HIV, behavioural and communication survey and other research projects.


Lifeline Southern Africa

Lifeline endeavors to promote relevant, appropriate and accessible counseling and wellness services in collaboration with strategic partners. Lifeline provides services in the areas of HIV and AIDS, Gender-based violence, Emotional Wellness and Workplace Programmes.


Management Science for Health (MSH)

The Management Sciences for Health (MSH) is a nonprofit international health organisation that works to save lives and improve the health of the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people by closing the gap between knowledge and action in public health. MSH began providing technical assistance to the government of South Africa in 1997 to strengthen health services. MSH has implemented a string of pharmaceutical systems strengthening projects, and has focused on areas ranging from primary health care and family planning, to leadership development and management information systems. Through the Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services (SIAPS) Program and with funding from PEPFAR/USAID, MSH works with the country’s National Department of Health and provincial and local government health authorities to strengthen pharmaceutical systems. MSH began providing technical assistance to the government of South Africa in 1997 to strengthen health services. MSH has also worked to strengthen local and regional systems to respond more effectively and sustainably to HIV and AIDS, most recently through the Building Local Capacity for Delivery of HIV Services Project.


Margaret Sanger Centre International South Africa (MSCISA)

The Margaret Sanger Centre International South Africa (MSCISA) is the Africa Regional Office of the Margaret Sanger Centre International. The centre aims to empower all people to exercise their sexual and reproductive health and rights by: building local capacity to improve sexual and reproductive health (SRH) outcomes through education and training, clinical services, and advocacy; advocating globally for enabling environments and supportive policies within southern Africa; and facilitating international exchange of skills and technologies for SRH appropriate to the socio-cultural environments and economic realities of southern Africa.



Matchboxology’s expertise in Human Centered Design harnesses the power of empathy and insight to make innovation relevant; delivering measurable growth and positive behavior change for clients. In the past 10 years, Matchboxology has worked at the apex of behavior change, entrepreneurship development and health, working with multinational clients such as Levi’s, Adidas, PEPFAR/USAID, the UN, PSI and Johns Hopkins. For 10 years Matchboxology has helped brands and private sector organizations reframe corporate social responsibility as consumer social opportunity—hand in hand delivering a better world together with organizational growth. Matchboxology takes pride in how Innovation for growth & behaviour change can help organizations to better reach the clients and strategic goals. The company embraced the importance of closely collaborating with the development community and work directly for governments as well as international donors and amazing public benefit organizations.


Medical Research Council of South Africa (MRC)

The MRC aims to improve the health status and quality of life of South Africans through relevant and excellent health research aimed at promoting equity and development. The South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) was established in 1969 with a mandate to improve the health of the country’s population, through research, development and technology transfer, so that people can enjoy a better quality of life. The scope of the organisation’s research projects includes tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS, cardiovascular and non-communicable diseases, gender and health, and alcohol and other drug abuse. With a strategic objective to help strengthen the health systems of the country – in line with that of the Department of Health, the SAMRC constantly identifies the main causes of death in South Africa.


National Association of People Living with HIV/AIDS (NAPWA)

NAPWA is a national organisation that co-ordinates the needs and resources of all people living with HIV/AIDS. NAPWA’s major purpose is to organize, mobilize and empower people living with HIV/AIDS and to represent their interests by providing care and support.


National Progressive Primary Health Care Network (NPPHCN)

The NPPHCN is a national non-government health advocacy organisation promoting collaboration, participatory research and policy formulation, and appropriate training and organizational development.


National Inquiry Services Centre (NISC SA)

NISC SA publishes information databases, academic journals and books including the African Journal of AIDS Research (AJAR) in partnership with CADRE.


Nelson Mandela Children`s Fund

The Nelson Mandela Children`s Fund strives to change the way society treats its children and youth.


 PACT South Africa

Pact manages a USAID funding mechanism designed to support USAID and South African Government programming priorities by facilitating rapid-response subcontracts for required technical services. This mechanism consists of funds set aside by USAID to provide technical assistance in support of initiatives of the Department of Social Development (DSD) and Department of Health (DoH). The portfolios have expanded over time and now cover the key programmatic areas such as rphans and Vulnerable Children, Tuberculosis, Health Systems Strengthening and Child and Youth Care Worker.


Planned Parenthood Association of South Africa (PPASA)

The PPASA works in the field of sexual and reproductive health. While providing skills training and positive role models, the primary aim of the services is to reduce the rate of HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancy and sexual transmitted infections (STIs).


Perinatal HIV Research Unit (PHRU)

PHRU is one of the largest AIDS research centers in Africa and leads studies into HIV prevention, care and support. It is based at the Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital in Soweto, South Africa. The unit is involved in research, training, policy-formation and advocacy concerning HIV-positive people and their children.


Resources Aimed at the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (RAPCAN)

RAPCAN is committed to developing child abuse prevention strategies to combat the patterns of abuse; which affect the lives of children and adults everywhere; through training adults, informing children, materials development, dissemination and advocacy.


Reproductive Health Research Unit (RHRU)

The RHRU is an official research entity of Wits Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, which focuses on sexual and reproductive health (SRH). The RHRU is also a central partner in the Wits AIDS Research Institute. While retaining their SRH focus, their current work prioritizes HIV prevention and the reproductive health/HIV interface.


SABC Education

The vision of SABC Education is to be a world-class provider of innovative and distinctive educational broadcast content. SABC Education has established itself as a world leader in dramatic edutainment programming that includes HIV/AIDS content (for example, Soul City, Soul Buddyz, Yizo Yizo, Gaz’lam, Intersexions, 4Play Sex Tips for Girls and Tsha Tsha); and in early childhood and school-based education (for example, School TV and Takalani Sesame).



Siyayinqoba is a trusted health brand that is based on telling real stories about real people that inform and empower. Siyayinqoba has touched millions of South Africans for the past seventeen years and continues to find ways to demystify health matters. From reaching 1,2 million viewers a week through SABC1 broadcasts of our television series to our community mobilisers going from door-to-door in rural areas, Siyayinqoba has been on the side of ordinary South Africans dealing with health challenges every day.


Social Aspects of AIDS Research Alliance (SAHARA)

The mission of SAHARA is to bring together key partners (civil society, donor and international organizations, researchers, policy makers, and people living with HIV and AIDS) to influence policy and responses through the production and dissemination of evidence-based research on the social aspects of HIV and AIDS. SAHARA is an alliance of partners established to conduct, support and use social sciences research to prevent further spread of HIV and mitigate impact in South Africa, the SADC region and sub-Saharan Africa.


Soul City

The Soul City Institute for Health and Development Communication (SC IHDC) is a health promotion NGO. Their programmes include the TV series Soul City – a drama series that examines health and development issues; Soul Buddyz, a children’s multimedia edutainment vehicle designed to promote the health and well-being of children; advocacy and the Health and Development Worker Awards.


Soul Beat Africa

Soul Beat Africa is a project of Soul City and the Communication Initiative. It is a space for communicators across Africa to share experiences, materials, strategic thinking and events, and to engage in discussion and debate. This site is meant for practitioners, media makers, academics, researchers, and others who are using or are interested in communication for change in Africa.


South African AIDS Vaccine Initiative (SAAVI)

SAAVI was established to co-ordinate the research, development and testing of HIV/AIDS vaccines in South Africa. SAAVI is based at the MRC and is working with key national and international partners to produce an affordable, effective and locally relevant HIV/AIDS vaccine in as short a time as possible.


South African Business Coalition on HIV and AIDS (SABCOHA)

SABCOHA together with Metropolitan run the red ribbon website which provides strategies to deal with HIV and AIDS in the workplace, case studies, and the latest surveys and articles delving into AIDS in the business arena.


South African Cities Network

The South African Cities Network is a network of South African cities and partners that encourages the exchange of information, experience and best practices on urban development and city management.


South African Local Government Association

The South African Local Government Association (SALGA) is an organization mandated to assist in the transformation of local government in South Africa. SALGA plays a core role in a variety of areas related to local government transformation and as a national representative of the local government sector and its employees.


South African National AIDS Council (SANAC)

The South African National AIDS Council (SANAC) is a voluntary association of institutions established by the national cabinet of the South African Government to build consensus across government, civil society and all other stakeholders to drive an enhanced country response to HIV, TB and STIs.


Sonke Gender Justice Project

Sonke Gender Justice (SGJ) strives to create a SADC region in which men, women, youth and children can enjoy equitable relationships that contribute to the development of a just and democratic society. To achieve this, the SGJ works across Southern Africa to build the capacity of government, civil society organizations and citizens to achieve gender equality, prevent gender based violence and reduce the spread of HIV and the impact of AIDS


The Valley Trust 

The Valley Trust is a center for health promotion, founded in 1953 and situated in the picturesque Valley of a Thousand Hills in KwaZulu Natal. The Valley Trust seeks to promote good health through the principles of primary health care and people-centred development. Central to this is their intention to create processes that enable people to realize their own potential. The Valley Trust HIV/AIDS programme includes providing HIV counselling and testing services, promoting emotionally safe schools, and peer education programmes for youth.


Rural AIDS Development Action Research Programme (RADAR)

Rural AIDS and Development Action Research (RADAR) programme comprises clinical and social intervention research on HIV/AIDS, with an emphasis on developing model approaches that are appropriate and relevant to the rural African context. It is founded on the premise that the HIV epidemic is rooted in biological, behavioral and social processes – reflecting complex and dynamic relationships within countries and between them. Generating an effective response will therefore require a similar diversity of strategies at the level of individuals and populations. RADAR is based in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa at the Health Systems Development Unit. The programme is a collaboration between the School of Public Health at the University of the Witwatersrand and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) and Section 27

The TAC’s main objective is to campaign for greater access to HIV treatment for all South Africans by raising public awareness and understanding about issues surrounding the availability, affordability, and use of HIV treatments.


University Research Co (URC)

University Research Co (URC)’s work in South Africa began under USAID’s Quality Assurance Project (QAP) when their non-profit affiliate, the Center for Human Services, provided technical assistance and conducted operations research on health care quality improvement. This work helped to raise awareness in countries and internationally that quality improvement (QI) is an essential component of health system strengthening and that quality standards and QI capacity development are vital to the development of healthcare systems in even the most resource-constrained countries. URC has also worked in South Africa in the areas of maternal, newborn and child health, HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and reproductive health and family planning.