We Beat TB

The USAID TB project, coordinated through the University Research Corporation (URC) is a 5-year programme (2009-2014) aimed at strengthening tuberculosis control and prevention initiatives in South Africa. The USAID TB project, coordinated through the University Research Corporation (URC) is a 5-year programme (2009-2014) aimed at strengthening tuberculosis control and prevention initiatives in South Africa. One of the key pillars of the TB Project, the Advocacy, Communication, and Social Mobilisation Strategy (ACSM) was developed by Johns Hopkins Health and Education in South Africa (JHHESA). The project was designed to contribute to changes in social norms and the creation of social networks that support individual change, skills building, and improving decisionmaking leading to demand for and timely uptake of appropriate health services.

CADRE was the mass media research partner for URC through JHHESA for the 5-year period. CADRE pre-tested the animation concept and preferred format; provided strategic technical input with regards to accurate health messaging; and pre-tested television and radio adverts (personal service announcements) with urban, peri-urban and rural target and secondary audiences in South Africa for accuracy, message, take-out, clarity, and resonance. CADRE also conducted a post-broadcast qualitative evaluation of the We Beat TB campaign.

Link to We Beat TB: http://www.ccisa.org.za/tb.html