
Scrutinize is an animated public health campaign targeting young people aged 18 to 35 years, with the objective of increasing their perception and ‘personalisation’ of HIV risk. CADRE’s role has primarily focused on providing strategic input towards the development of the campaign and technical support in terms of on-going research and evaluation. In 2008, CADRE trained community researchers from Orange Farm to conduct discussions about HIV infection risks among young people. This formative research, which was rich in colloquial language and content, formed the basis for the development of the Scrutinize communication campaign.

The campaign concept and slogan were extensively pre-tested by CADRE and insights and suggestions from the field testing contributed to the ongoing refinement of the animerts (animated advertisements). Eight animerts were developed and broadcast on the public broadcaster and e-TV and shown in over 300 clinics nationwide. The animerts focus on the risks of multiple and concurrent sexual partners; transactional sex; the role of alcohol in HIV risk; understanding sexual networks; early sexual debut and incorrect or inconsistent condom use. Other mass media materials that were developed with the technical support of CADRE included posters that were distributed in major newspapers and magazines during the FIFA Confederations Cup in South Africa in June 2009 and four new animerts that were launched during the 2010 Soccer World Cup and the 2010 Soccer Confederations Cup.

Pre-and post-broadcast audience reception analyses were conducted by CADRE at various points in time. Findings indicate that the term ‘Scrutinize’ has developed into a well-established brand over time, entering into the daily lives and language of young South Africans and has become synonymous with HIV prevention.

CADRE formed part of a team that developed a discussion guide based on the Scrutinize animerts to be used in interpersonal contexts, such as at universities, schools and a range of in-and-out of school youth groups. The Scrutinize Facilitator’s Guide has been extensively used by JHHESA partners. Technical support from CADRE extended to input and review of Personal Service Announcements developed by ABC Ulwazi, for use by campus radio stations. ABC Ulwazi trained the campus radio DJs to promote discussion of Scrutinize related themes on campuses.

CADRE conducted an evaluation of the Scrutinize campaign implementation at the Vaal University of Technology in 2009 and the findings, with recommendations for future campaigns, were presented to DramAide health promoters at two national meetings. CADRE co-facilitated a training of peer educators with DramaAidE at the University of the Western Cape in early 2010 to prepare them to implement the Scrutinize campaign on their campus. The Scrutinize campaign is a joint effort between JHHESA, Levis, Matchboxology, Mediology and CADRE.

The animerts were praised at the International Animation Festival in France in June 2009 and won a Marketing Mix Khuza Award, the first time a cause marketing campaign was featured in a South African People’s choice award.

Scrutinize link:

Scrutinize discussion guide: