International Sites


AIDS Educational Global Information System (AEGIS)
AEGiS is committed to offering HIV/AIDS-related clinical information and news from around the world, making it easily and freely accessible. It also sets out to be an archive of HIV/AIDS research.


Bernard van Leer Foundation
The Bernard van Leer Foundation is a private trust based in the Netherlands. Their mandate is to improve opportunities for children between the ages of 0 and 8 who live in circumstances of social and economic disadvantage.


Center for Communication Programs
The Johns Hopkins University/Center for Communication Programs (CCP) is a pioneer in the field of strategic, research-based communication for behaviour change and health promotion that has helped transform the theory and practice of public health. The CCP website provides links to valuable resources and services on Health Communication, including the Media/Materials Clearinghouse ‘health communication materials from around the world, HEALTHe Communication ‘ an online resource for health communication practitioners, Popline ‘ provides a connection to the world`s reproductive health literature.


Discovery Channel Global Education Partnership
Discovery Channel Global Education Partnership is a nonprofit, charitable organization dedicated to reaching across the global information divide with the tools and training necessary to extend the power of technology and information to under-resourced communities around the world.


Eldis HIV and AIDS Resource Guide
The Eldis HIV and AIDS Resource Guide is a collaboration between Eldis and the DFID Health Resource Centre (HRC). The HRC provides access to technical assistance, knowledge and information support on all aspects of international public health for the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and its partners. Focal areas of expertise include HIV and AIDS, malaria, TB, sexual and reproductive health, maternal health and child health.


EUROPA is the portal site of the European Union. It provides up-to-date coverage of European Union affairs and essential information on European integration. Users can also consult all legislation currently in force or under discussion, access the websites of each of the EU institutions and find out about the policies administered by the European Union under the powers devolved to it by the Treaties.


Ford Foundation Global Initiative on HIV/AIDS
The Ford Foundation Global Initiative on HIV/AIDS works to ensure that global efforts and decision making reflect the local realities of the world`s diverse HIV epidemics.


Futures Group Europe
Futures Group Europe is committed to tailored development solutions. The Group works to develop the most appropriate intervention, whether for a country, region, state, or subdivision. They emphasize local capacity building and specialize in fostering partnerships between the public and private sectors to encourage complementary health service provision to address a country`s reproductive health needs.


Gender and HIV/AIDS Web Portal
UNIFEM, in collaboration with UNAIDS, has developed this comprehensive gender and HIV/AIDS web portal to provide up-to-date information on the gender dimensions of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The site aims to promote understanding, knowledge sharing, and action on HIV and AIDS as a gender and human rights issue.


HLSP is an international professional services firm specialising in the health sector in both the UK and worldwide.


International AIDS Economics Network (IAEN)
The IAEN provides data, tools and analysis on the economics of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment in developing countries, to help developing countries devise cost-effective responses to the global epidemic. IAEN focuses on the economics of HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment, providing data, tools, and analysis for researchers and policymakers working to define and implement effective AIDS policy.


Johns Hopkins University Center for Communications Programs (JHU CCP)
CCP partners with organisations worldwide to design and implement strategic communication programs that influence political dialogue, collective action, and individual behaviour; enhance access to information and the exchange of knowledge that improve health and health care; and conduct research to guide program design, evaluate impact, test theories, and advance knowledge in health communication.


Monitoring the AIDS Pandemic (MAP)
MAP is a collegial network of internationally recognized technical experts seeking to assess the status and trends of the global HIV/AIDS pandemic. MAP`s more than 100 members in 40 countries are epidemiologists, modellers, economists, and social, behavioural, public health and international development specialists, recruited through a nomination process and currently guided by the Chair and Board of Directors.


Open Society Institute (OSI) Public Health Program
The Open Society Institute’s Public Health Program aims to promote health policies based on social inclusion, human rights, justice, and scientific evidence. The program works with local, national, and international civil society organizations to combat the social marginalization and stigma that leads to poor health, to facilitate access to health information, and to foster greater civil society engagement in public health policy and practice.


PlusNews is an e-mail and Internet-based HIV/AIDS information service for sub-Saharan Africa run by the Integrated Regional Information Networks (IRIN), a news service that forms part of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.


Population and Health Infoshare
Population and Health InfoShare is a public library of electronic documents supplied by partner organizations working in reproductive and child health, HIV/AIDS, and population.


Research for Development (R4D) Portal
Research for Development is a free access on-line database containing information about research programmes supported by DFID.


Royal Netherlands Embassy
The Royal Netherlands Embassy has an integrated programme of co-operation with South Africa which includes an HIV/AIDS focus.


Royal Tropical Institute Portal on Governance & HIV and AIDS
This portal provides access to free, full-text electronic publications and other Internet sources on the mechanisms of interaction through which HIV and AIDS policies and strategies are developed, implemented, monitored and evaluated at different levels involving both public and private parties.


The Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was created to dramatically increase resources to fight three of the world`s most devastating diseases; AIDS, TB and Malaria; and to direct those resources to areas of greatest need.


The Synergy HIV/AIDS Resource Centre
The website contains a collection of publications on HIV/AIDS project management, technical interventions and research.


The Swedish Agency for International Development (Sida)
Sida is a government agency under the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Sida`s goal is to contribute to making it possible for poor people to improve their living conditions


Virginia Commonwealth University
VCU is the third-largest research university in Virginia, USA which aims to provide the best in education, research, and patient care.


WYG International
WYG International is an international Management Consulting and Economic Development advisory group. Based at Nottingham in the UK, they have a network of offices worldwide. WYG International works in partnership with clients to develop targeted and workable solutions for the environments and cultures in which they operate.

International Agencies