Intersexions is an immensely popular, multi-award winning television drama series, consisting of two 26-episode series. The experimental drama series first ‘mapped’ out a sexual network over 25 independent, but interrelated episodes that followed an HIV infection chain as it cut across geographic, age, racial and class boundaries. The series focused on issues relating to love, sex and relationships […]

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CADRE led a multi-stage research and technical process for the Discovery Channel Global Education Partnership (DCGEP), towards the development of the acclaimed feature-length film, Inside Story: The Science of AIDS. The film’s objective was to engage the sub-Saharan African public about the science of HIV and AIDS. Inside Story uses an innovative approach that combines an exciting, fictional dramatic […]

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Conversations: HIV and the Family Conversations is a project that tells the story of families living with HIV. Combining photographs and first-person reflections, it tells of how HIV came into their lives and how they are dealing with the disease. The concept of ‘family’ has a wide definition, and includes people who live with and […]

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